Students’ competence in interpreting Deixis in descriptive text on grade X of senior high school

Rana Salasahri Suci, Dwi Santoso


Competence is defined as the capability to apply or use a set of related knowledge, skills, and attitudes to complete a task according to its standards in a defined work area. In addition, competence can be scored and is measurable. The study employed a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative analysis of test scores with qualitative insights from interviews. A total of 35 students participated in the test, which assessed their ability to interpret deixis. The results showed that 88.6% of the students achieved a very good classification, accurately interpreting more than 12 instances of deixis. Additionally, 5.8% of the students obtained a good classification by correctly interpreting at least 7 instances. The mean score of the essay test was 69.69, indicating a generally strong grasp of deixis interpretation among the students. A semi-structured interview with one English teacher and four students. The teacher's structured approach to teaching descriptive texts, including vocabulary introduction and text analysis, was found to be effective. However, students faced challenges due to limited vocabulary and confusion between descriptive and recount texts. The teacher addressed these issues by gradually introducing new terms and comparing different text types.

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Kampus 4 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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