A corpus-based analysis of central modal verbs in Kurikulum Merdeka’s textbooks for senior high school

Alfiana Putri Dewanti, Ikmi Nur Oktavianti


Textbooks play the important role since they provide the material sources beneficial for students. However, some textbooks sometimes contain inauthentic materials and there are some words or sentences are barely used in everyday communication. Moreover, modal verbs are also important in teaching and learning process since they are the most problematic grammatical units. This study aims to examine the frequency use of possibility, ability, and permission central modal verbs in conversation sections in Kurikulum Merdeka’s textbooks, comparing with the spoken sub-corpus of COCA. This study uses corpus-based analysis and the research is categorized as descriptive qualitative. The data sources consist of three series of Kurikulum Merdeka’s textbooks for senior high school in Indonesia. The findings reveal that “can” emerges as the most frequently used central modal verbs in both textbooks (79%) and COCA (50%), dominantly expressing a sense of ability in conversation sections of textbooks. Furthermore, “could” occupies the lowest position in conversation sections of textbooks (3%), whereas it ranks as the second most common used in COCA. Hence, “could” is not well presented in the textbooks compared to that in spoken sub-corpus COCA, indicating there is a mismatches in the usage of possibility, ability, and permission central modal verbs between the textbooks and COCA.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.12928/iucee2024.v3i1.14586


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