Designing storybook with sticky pictures for English learning for grade III of elementary school

Khoirunnisa Fauziah, Nur Fatimah, Aqila Fahmi Rosyida


Learning media is a tool to help teachers in the teaching and learning process. The existence of learning media will create interesting and fun learning. However, many elementary schools are not concerned with this, so elementary school students do not have variety in learning and do not get the experience of learning new things. The objective of this research is to design a storybook with sticky pictures. This research is concerned with providing interesting and enjoyable learning for grade III elementary school students. This study is Research and Development. The procedures used are conducting needs analysis, writing the course grid, developing the first draft of the storybook with sticky pictures, evaluating and revising the first draft of the storybook with sticky pictures, trying out the second draft of the storybook with sticky pictures, getting an expert judgment and evaluating of the second draft of a storybook with sticky pictures, and revising and writing the final draft of the storybook with sticky pictures. The instruments in the research are interview guidelines, questionnaires, and observations. Interview and observation guidelines were analyzed qualitatively and questionnaire data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The respondents in this study consisted of ten people, consist of one English teacher, three English education lecturers, four students of English education, and two alumni of English education. The result of this study is learning media entitled Storybook with Sticky Pictures and is equipped with a teacher's guidebook. There are three units in the storybook with sticky pictures, there are “The James Family”, “I Like Cookies”, and “I Have a Cat”. Activities consist of “Match and Stick”, “Read, Stick, and Retell”, and “Read and Stick”. The results od the recapitulation data of the expert judgment shows that the  design storybook with sticky pictures is categorized as hood and very good as the mean scores ranged from 3.14 to 3.53. 

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Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Kampus 4 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Jl. Ringroad Selatan, Kragilan, Tamanan, Kec. Banguntapan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55191, Indonesia
