Challenges faced by student teachers in teaching English to young learner in elementary school

Leni Agustina, Aulia Prahastuti, Nur Fatimah


Teaching English to young learners presents its own set of challenges for teachers. And this research aims to explain some challenges faced from the perspectives of student teachers in internship programs and to describe some chosen strategies to overcome the problem. The research method used in this research was descriptive design in a qualitative approach. The participants of this research were two participants who had just completed their internship program in elementary school. To collect the data, an interview was used. The data were analyzed by using descriptive qualitative techniques. thematic analysis used for the data from the interview. The finding show that there are some challenges faced by student teachers in conducting the internship which are student’s short attention, difficulties in delivering material, low learning interest, diverse levels of student comprehension. And the strategy used is to create engaging lessons, giving appreciation, deliver material instructionally, giving motivation and dividing students based on the students’ interest.

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