Students’ engagement in e-portfolio-based learning of the class of public speaking in the English education study program

Firsta Ulfiyah, Raden Muhammad Ali, Taufiq Ashari


A high-impact educational practice, the use of E-Portfolio, has shown its support for students’ engagement in learning English. Although E-Portfolios have been widely used in various disciplines around the world, little research has been conducted on their use in Public Speaking courses, particularly in Indonesia. This study aims to investigate the forms of student behavioral engagement in E-Portfolio-based learning in Public Speaking classes. This research utilizes descriptive qualitative methods by using observation, interview, and documentation as data collection methods. This research involved ten fifth-semester students from Ahmad Dahlan University during the odd academic year of 2023/2024. The selection of these students was based on their active participation in the Public Speaking course and their availability and willingness to participate in the study. The data analysis method used in this research includes several stages, namely preparing and organizing research data, reducing data, representing data, and drawing conclusions. The findings of this study are forms of student behavioral involvement, ranging from class attendance, active participation, discussion, and interaction between peers and lecturers. These behaviors suggest that E-Portfolio-based learning not only fosters greater engagement but also enhances the overall educational experience by encouraging consistent participation and meaningful interactions. This implies that integrating digital tools like E-Portfolios in educational settings can be an effective strategy to improve student engagement and learning outcomes.

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