Student’s perception of using short stories videos to improve vocabulary mastery for elementary school students

Destiya Anggoro Putri, Wahyu Eria Putri, Soviyah Soviyah


As an international language, English is important for everyone in the world to learn.  An important thing to master when one learns English is vocabulary.  As one of the important aspects, vocabulary is difficult to master because the writing and pronunciation are different and difficult to memorize for some people. The researcher also wanted to attract students' attention and eliminate the image of fear of learning English by using learning media in the form of Short Story videos. So, this study aims to determine student's perceptions of the use of short story videos to improve vocabulary mastery in elementary school students. This study used quantitative research and to collect data, the researcher used a questionnaire. The questionnaire is one of the research instruments used to collect data in research and can be considered as one type of written interview. The type of questionnaire used in this study is a closed questionnaire. The questionnaire used in this study is scaled in data collection and is analyzed descriptively. The answer options given by respondents were measured from strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree. The findings of the test result analysis indicated that most students have positive opinions about learning vocabulary through short English video which can be seen from the result of questionnaire analysis. They agreed that short English video can improve their vocabulary mastery and that using a short English video is an interesting technique and helpful in learning vocabulary.

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