Addressing student silence in EFL classrooms: Factors, challenges, and effective strategies for engagement at junior high school in Yogyakarta

Agreina Alkakia


This study explores various factors contributing to student silence in EFL (English as a Foreign Language) classes, including vocabulary limitations, sleepiness, incorrect pronunciation, classroom situation, lack of teacher approach, and homogeneity. In this study, the researcher obtained 9 students as participants to be used as subjects in the study, then interviews were conducted with research questionnaires that had been prepared by the researcher. Data collected through interviews and observations highlighted that students often have insufficient vocabulary knowledge, leading to difficulties in communication and active participation. Many students stated that they remained silent due to limited vocabulary, fear of mispronunciation, and lack of engaging classroom activities. In addition, sleepiness, often caused by lack of rest, further hindered their engagement. Observations revealed that the lack of engaging interactions and teacher approaches had a significant impact on students' confidence and willingness to participate. The study also examined the strategies students used to achieve learning success, such as utilizing the internet to learn English through games and songs and interacting with classmates in a flexible learning environment. Despite their silence in the classroom, students demonstrated the ability to learn English effectively outside the traditional classroom environment. This highlights the need for a more inclusive and dynamic classroom environment where students feel motivated and confident to participate. The findings suggest that fostering a supportive and interactive classroom atmosphere, as well as a caring teacher approach, can significantly improve student engagement and language acquisition in an EFL environment.

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Kampus 4 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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