Analysis of teacher perceptions of changes in the English Curriculum K-13 to the Kurikulum Merdeka at SDN 3 Gumul

Siska Dwi Prasasti, Soviyah Soviyah, Kurnia Nada Safitri


This study examines the perceptions of teachers at SDN 3 Gumul regarding the transition from the 2013 Curriculum (K-13) to Kurikulum Merdeka in English language learning. The research employs a qualitative approach, using structured observations and interviews with two homeroom teachers. The findings highlight the challenges faced by teachers in implementing the new curriculum, including the lack of English language educators and digital media facilities. Despite these challenges, Kurikulum Merdeka offers flexibility and the potential for innovative teaching methods, allowing teachers to adapt their approaches to students’ unique needs and integrate local resources and digital media into the learning process. The study underscores the importance of teacher professionalism and continuous support to ensure the successful implementation of Kurikulum Merdeka. The results provide valuable insights into the impact of curriculum changes on teaching practices and the role of teachers in adapting to new educational policies.

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Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Kampus 4 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Jl. Ringroad Selatan, Kragilan, Tamanan, Kec. Banguntapan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55191, Indonesia
