Improving young learners’ vocabulary through Educaplay

Ninditya Rian Cahyani, M. Tolkhah Adityas


Vocabulary is the key to mastering certain languages, including English. Thus, teaching vocabulary with appropriate learning media is crucial for teachers, especially for teaching English to young learners. This research aims to determine the improvement of young learners’ vocabulary through playing Educaplay. This research belongs to Classroom Action Research (CAR). The data were from young learners in grades 3 to 5 at Pendampingan Belajar Lantips. The data was collected by observation, pre-test, and post-test. The findings of this research show that young learners improved their vocabulary. It can be seen from the improvement of young learners’ scores on each test. They achieved a score of 50 on the pre-test, which indicates that none of the young learners hit the targeted score. After implementing Educaplay during the treatment session, young learners achieved scores of 95 on Post-test 1 and 98.33 on Post-test 2. It proves that Educaplay helps young learners improve their vocabulary.

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