Students’ perspective on the implementation of game-based learning using flashcards in teaching speaking at SDIT Al Hasna

Trisnawati Indijati, Ratri Nur Hidayati, Melisa Kusuma Wardani


One of the most important elements in the learning process was innovation and creativity. The independent curriculum regulations made elementary schools implemented full day schools, which greatly influenced students' enthusiasm for learning, even the used of songs in learning was not enough to improve students' English skills, especially speaking skills. Using learning media such as flashcards as a learning innovation was one solution for teaching speaking skills. This research aimed to describe students' opinions regarding game-based learning using flashcards to teach speaking at SDIT AlHasna. This research used qualitative research to collect data with in-depth research results rather than generalizations where this research occurred naturally. Researchers conducted in-depth interviews with semi-structured interviews. Interviews would be conducted directly with respondents with open-ended questions so that respondents' experiences could be told. At SDIT AlHasna, this research was conducted with 7 grade IV students as research subject participants. The result was students found it easier to learn to speak using flashcards as a media. Apart from that, students tended to like game-based learning, especially with flashcard media because of its attractive appearance and fun learning model so they felt very active in learning. These results showed that the use of flashcards as a game-based learning media was able to bridge their ability to speak English. These results were strengthened by the results of interviews that students were active in class and enjoy the learning process.

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