Teachers’ creative practices in English language teaching

Tiara Gifani Zikri, Dila Charisma


21st-century learning skills include the 4Cs: communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. Creativity is a key skill for learning and innovation in the 21st century. English is an effective subject that can use creativity in teaching and can attract students' attention to be more enthusiastic in receiving material and achieving learning objectives. Teachers as educators have an important role to carry out learning activities, therefore this research aims to find out how teachers express their creativity in English Language Teaching. This research uses qualitative research using a case study design. This research uses two instruments, and they are: the first instrument is classroom observation, and the second instrument is documentation. This study underscores the importance of creativity in English language teaching, providing insights that can help educators enhance their instructional practices. Based on the results of research through classroom observation and documentation, it can be found that there are 4 aspect of English teachers expressing creativity, namely: Fluency in Teaching, Flexibility of Instruction, Originality of Ideas and Collaborative Elaboration. These results are in accordance with the four criteria for creative teachers based on theory of (Rahmayanti & Mubarok, 2022): Fluency, Flexibility, Originality, and Elaboration. 

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.12928/iucee2024.v3i1.14669


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