An analysis of conflict in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice novel

Intan Jahni, Fitri Aprianti


Pride and Prejudice, written by Jane Austen in 1813, is a quintessential romantic novel of manners set in 19th-century rural England. It is regarded as a fundamental work in classical literature, known for its intricate portrayal of characters and their societal conduct. Austen's critical examines society and traditional stereotypical gender roles, highlighting the limited rights and financial dependency of women due to restricted career and educational opportunities. In fact, middle, and upper-class women had little opportunities for a stable future. This paper aims to analyze the conflicts in Pride and Prejudice using method of close reading, which involves a detailed examination of the text to uncover deeper meanings in the conflicts. The analysis focuses on intrinsic elements such as setting, characters, point of view, conflict, and symbolism, while also incorporating conflict-based theory to address extrinsic elements. Finally, the findings reveal two main types of conflict in the novel: social conflict and psychological conflict. These conflicts are well-developed and seamlessly integrated into narrative.

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Kampus 4 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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