The Use of Crossword Puzzle Game to Improve Students' Vocabulary Mastery

Aqsal Rizky Ramadhan, Rahmi Munfangati


Vocabulary is one of the essential language skills in learning English. A game can be used to improve students’ vocabulary mastery in the process of teaching-learning. It can create fun and interesting learning activity for students in learning English. Thus, this is attempted to find out whether crossword puzzle game can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. The subject of this research is the elementary school students of SD N Danau Sadar. The researcher uses classroom action research as a method in this research. The data is collected with the vocabulary test, observation checklist, and interview guidelines as an instrument. The results show that using crosswords puzzle games in English teaching and learning improves the students’ vocabulary mastery.

Keywords: vocabulary, crossword puzzle games, classroom action research

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Kampus 4 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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