An evaluation of “When English Rings A Bell” textbook

Muhammad Farhan Prima Athoya, Azwar Abbas


Textbooks are learning media that are often used. They guide teachers in delivering the material to be taught. In addition, textbooks make the material easier to understand. Students can study the subject matter from home by using textbooks. Thus, evaluation is needed to ensure the suitability of this important learning material. The textbook that will be the subject of this research is the textbook “English: When English Rings a Bell” for the seventh grade. It is a textbook that is published by Indonesian Ministry of Education. This research hopefully contribute in revising the textbook. This research will also hopefully help teachers navigate, which part of the book requires revision and which does not. The research uses Daoud & Celce-Murcia checklist to determine whether the textbook is suitable or not. The research finds that the textbook is good overall. But there are some parts that can be improved. The book does not have a syllabus, there is no arrangement of vocabulary gradations, there is no review of past material, and the sentences are quite long.

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