Student perceptions of using the ELSA SPEAK application in learning English-speaking

Rahmatul Fitrah, Rima Rahmaniah


ELSA Speak is a mobile application that is intended to assist people that are not native English speakers in improving their pronunciation and speaking abilities in English. This research was conducted to determine students' perceptions of the effectiveness of the ELSA Speak application in developing and learning students' speaking skills. This research used qualitative research approach, which the data were collected from interviews and observation in two weeks. The participants taking part in this research were 12 second semester students of the English language study program at Muhammadiyah University of Mataram. In obtaining the data, the researchers used interviews (semi-structured interview), observation and questionnaire. After finishing the interview, the result was elaborated and analyzed by the researchers. The result of the study showed that ELSA Speak Application gave a good impact for the students in learning and developing speaking based on their perception. In summary, the result also showed some advantages (there are various conversation topics that you can choose and try for speaking practice which will improve your speaking performance and make you more confident when speaking directly) and disadvantages (lack of on-site learning, it must have a good internet connection, some features are paid/limited, only accepts one accent, and poor voice capture) of ELSA Speak Application.


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