Students’ perception of reading assessment in the English education study program

Yasmin Amanda Nathania, Umi Rokhyati


Assessment is a strategy used to process data collection or information from various sources to obtain the results of learning experiences. Through assessment, lecturers can see the ability of each student. Therefore, assessment is needed in the learning process. This study aims to determine the perceptions and problems of students in reading assessment in the English education study program, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. This research used a mixed method. The data were collected by distributing closed questionnaires and conducting semi-structured interviews. There were 44 students who filled in the closed questionnaire and 8 students as interview participants. The results of this study showed that the students strongly agreed that the reading test helped students improve language structure, vocabulary, and reading comprehension (Mean=3.25). The students also thought that the content of the reading test reflected real-world reading tasks (Mean=3.11). The results showed that the majority of students have a positive perception of reading assessment. However, some students had problems during the reading assessment, one of which was that they felt anxious because they were asked to analyze the questions promptly. Another problem found was that students struggled to read long passages.

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Kampus 4 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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