Teacher’s strategies in improving students’ speaking skills for professional context in Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Fitrah Handayani Nurdin, Astry Fajria


This paper examines how teachers utilize teaching strategies for professional speaking at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. Specifically, this research was conducted in the Speaking in Professional Context class at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. This study aims at investigating one of the strategies used by the teacher. The strategy used is the one-language policy strategy, namely English Only. A strategy that is rarely used by teachers to teach speaking. Researchers have collected data and discussed whether the English Only strategy is an effective strategy or whether the teacher has other strategies that also support the effectiveness of speaking teaching. Researchers observed and recorded the necessary data by using interviews and observations in the Speaking in Professional Context class. The English Only strategy includes understanding how a foreign language can be aligned with the mother tongue. Not only English Only, but several strategies such as role play and discussion can also develop the habit of speaking a foreign language, especially English for students. The relationship between teaching strategies will be further studied in relation to improving students' professional speaking skills. 

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.12928/iucee2024.v3i1.14590


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Kampus 4 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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