An analysis of character education values in A Bear Called Paddington by Michael Bond

Ilma Umi Aulia Harjanto, Rahmi Munfangati


In "A Bear Called Paddington," Michael Bond vividly illustrates character education values through Paddington's adventures. The story emphasizes qualities such as kindness, curiosity, and resilience. Through his interactions with the Brown family and the broader community, the narrative delves into how these values foster understanding and community cohesion, making it a poignant reflection on the importance of character education. This research used qualitative descriptive analysis of "A Bear Called Paddington" by Michael Bond to explore the character education values depicted through Paddington's experiences. By examining textual evidence and character interactions, the study identifies the relevance of the character education values found in the novel to the Al Kautsar Boarding School textbook grade VII. The results of the analysis on the relevance of the snippets of the novel A Bear Called Paddington with the basic competencies in the VII grade textbook at Al Kautsar Boarding School Junior High School are, in the novel found 4 relevant snippets or around 66.66%, 1 partially relevant snippet or around 16.66% and 1 irrelevant snippet or around 16.66%. Based on this percentage, it can be concluded that the novel A Bear Called Padding has 66.66% of character learning relevant to the textbook's basic competencies. Therefore, the novel can be a learning media for students' character education.

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