Student's obstacles in the English learning process for young learners at SD Muhammadiyah Purwodiningratan

Fathia Rania Azzahra, Ririn Nur Valencia, Salmah Sesari, Nur Fatimah


English, as a foreign language taught in schools, be considered difficult to learn by Indonesian students. The English language learning process for students at SD Muhammadiyah Purwodiningratan use of English as the language of instruction but in the implementation have the lack of understanding of English. This study aimed to the obstacles encountered by young learners in acquiring English language skills at SD Muhammadiyah Purwodiningratan. The study was a qualitative approach. The data analysis technique was carried out using a qualitative description, and inductive description. The result of this study shows the various obstacles encountered by young learners in the process of acquiring English language skills, ranging from vocabulary limitations and ineffective teaching methods to challenges in grammar mastery, spelling, and self-confidence. The study not only sheds light on the specific barriers faced by young English learners but also offers valuable recommendations for educators and stakeholders to enhance the language learning experience for students. The findings underscore the potential of engaging activities, interactive teaching approaches, simplified grammar rules, phonics-based learning methods, and the creation of a supportive classroom atmosphere in overcoming these obstacles.

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