Young learners illustrated dictionary strategy in English vocabulary: A case study in Muhammadiyah Sokonandi Elementary School

Neli Riska Noviyani, Soviyah Soviyah


This study aims to determine the use of English dictionaries as an English learning strategy for grade 2 students of Muhammadiyah Sokonandi Elementary School. The research method uses a qualitative descriptive approach through observation and interviews with several students accompanied by teachers during class learning, where students are given questions sequentially and alternately about using dictionaries during class learning. Based on the results of this study, the language learning strategy of using an English dictionary in class is essential for students. The strategies used in utilizing this dictionary are determination strategy, which refers to how students find the meaning of new words; social strategy, which refers to how students practice using familiar vocabulary by practicing with their friends; memorization strategy, which means remembering vocabulary in the dictionary, cognitive strategy used by students to respond; metacognitive strategy which refers to how students realize their learning, Therefore, teachers and curriculum designers should emphasize the use of authentic learning tools, including English dictionaries in introductory materials. Thus, students will better understand what they are learning.

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