Investigating the use of CTL in teaching procedure text: The story of two teachers

Vanesha Nikmaturrokhmah, Ikariya Sugesti


Innovation in teaching methods is crucial, especially in English language education focused on genre texts. To meet this need, teachers should explore innovative learning model or teaching approaches and use suitable learning models and teachers should be able to engage student’s interest and competence in learning English. One effective learning model for teaching English genre texts such as procedure text is Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL). CTL allows students to relate the material to real-life situations, fostering greater engagement and build student’s competences in activities like learning procedure texts. This research, based on a case study design using a qualitative approach, involved two English teachers at SMPN 2 Sumber, Cirebon, in the academic year of 2023/2024. Data collection was conducted through classroom observations and interviews. This study was investigating the implementation of CTL between two teachers in teaching procedure texts at this school and two teacher’s strength in using CTL as learning model.

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