The development of e-portfolio based learning for public speaking in the English education study program, Ahmad Dahlan University: A narrative study

Zakia Zahara, Raden Muhammad Ali, Risty Dwi Paresi


In the field of education, the creation of electronic portfolios as teaching aids has received much attention. This research development was conducted within the framework of teaching public speaking in higher education. This research aims to find out the implementation process, reflection, evaluation, and development of e-portfolio based learning in 2021-2023 from 2021 to 2023. The research employs a qualitative descriptive methodology, using observation, interviews, and document collection as data collection methods. The subjects in this study were lecturers teaching public speaking courses who had taught from 2021 to 2023 and students in public speaking classes from 2021-2023. Using e-portfolios, or digital portfolios, as a teaching tool for public speaking in the classroom is intended to improve e-portfolio-based learning in English Language Education Study Program public speaking classes. It also aims to identify and characterize the meaning and effects related to students and lecturers—further studying ways and advancements. Researchers are hoping to get helpful insight into how e-portfolio-based learning in the Public Speaking class may improve learning, skill development, and evaluation efficiency by conducting research. It may also help in the identification of difficulties and opportunities related to the use of technology in education.

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