The problems of Thai students in learning English at English education department

Qorine Meylanie Hartienah, Fauzia Fauzia


The ASEAN community has used English for various purposes, the most important of which is academic. Therefore, learning English has become a necessity for all students around the world, especially EFL students, to be able to use English in non-English speaking countries in their learning process. Someone must master the ability to listen, read, write and speak in a foreign language. However, the language learning process still face some problems. the problems of Thai students in learning English at English Education Department of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta and the support Thai students need to overcome it. This qualitative research used observation and semi-structured interview with two Thai students at English Education Department. Qualitative descriptive analysis derived from Miles and Huberman was used to analyze the data.  Based on research results, the problems can be categorized into two that are the problems related to language competency and the problems related to non-language competency. problems related to language competency and the problems related to non-language competency. From language competency, problems emerged, such as listening difficulties (speaker accent, speaker speed, and insufficient vocabulary), speaking difficulties (insufficient vocabulary and poor pronunciation), reading difficulties (lack of vocabulary), and writing difficulties (insufficient vocabulary and grammatical errors). Meanwhile, the problems that arise from non-language competency are exposure problems, lecturer resource problems, lack of motivation, and culture shock. The way to deal with learning problems are students need support from their surroundings such as faculty support, peer support, self-motivation, family support, and environmental support.



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Kampus 4 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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