Empowering language learning with personalize technology-driven workbook in English club

Nira Ray Sayidah, Susilawati Susilawati


E-workbook is a digital workbook that contains exercises and tasks to help students practice and master the subject independently. The workbook is accessible through electronic devices that are often accompanied by interactive learning features such as video learning, web links, and automatic evaluation. This study aims at investigating the need of workbook and how it would be beneficial to students of the English club at e one of the high schools in Cirebon. This study applied descriptive qualitative design with data reduction, data analysis and data conclusion stage. The data were collected through an interview and questionnaire. One teacher and five students were involved in this research Based on the results of the research carried out at the school, the teacher and students lack materials that can make them study English better. They need a workbook to assist their study. The workbook could empower learning and engage students’ enthusiasm. It also could create enjoyable learning.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.12928/iucee2024.v3i1.15282


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Kampus 4 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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