An Analysis of Students Speaking Anxiety at the Sixth Semester English Education Department of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Bertha Saragih, Muh Saeful Effendi


Speaking is one of the essential aspects for a foreign language learner to master. However, anxiety can be an obstacle for students in developing their performance in the learning process. This study aims to investigate the level of anxiety speaking English as a foreign language. This research uses descriptive quantitative. The subjects of this study were 40 sixth-semester students of the English Education Department at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. This research used simple random sampling. The data were collected using a Likert scale through the FLCAS questionnaire from Horwitz modified in Najiha & Betty (2021). Then the researcher used Oetting's scale to calculate the score of the questionnaire items and categorized them into several anxiety levels. This study indicates that most students are "Moderate Anxious." The results showed that from the psychological aspect, there were half of the 40 students (50%) at Moderate Anxiety levels, 17 (43%) at Severe Anxiety levels, and 3 (7%) at Mild Anxiety levels.

Keywords: Speaking, Anxiety

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